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2 Years of work Experience in Tata Consultancy Services (2018 - Present)

Built and released Android Apps in Google Play Store

Software Developer/ TCS

1: Android Pagination Implementation  

  • Designed and implemented Android Pagination in existing android app to load required content

  • Used JAVA, Android Studio, Android SDK, Android NDK, Shared Preference, and SQLite

  • Implemented RecyclerView Adapter to load the content and OnScrollListener to support infinite scroll

  • Retrieved Data from SQLite and supplied it to the RecyclerView Adapter

  • Implemented Shared Preferences to Navigate to the  last used Page, when App is opened 

2: Android App Redesign & Enhancement 

  • Enhanced existing Android app and gave it a modern, user-friendly redesign

  • Used Android Studio, Android SDK, Android NDK, XML, JAVA and Material Design

  • Replaced ordinary Buttons with FloatingAction Button for single handed usage

  • Implemented CardView inside RecyclerView to display data

  • Replaced Toasts with Snackbar for providing required Action and implemented Custom Toasts wherever required

  • Replaced Menu with BottomNavigation Menu for easy navigation among Activities

3: Audio Streaming Service 

  • Designed and implemented Audio Streaming Service to replace the existing Audio download service in Client Organisation's WebApp 

  • Analyzed and built a prototype to match the existing Audio Download Applet

  • Built an Audio Format Converter to convert .ogg to .mp3 using Javascript Libraries

  • Introduced Audio Playback UI and Playback Controls using HTML5 Audio tags and Javascript

  • Implemented Auto Download for files which have longer durations using Javascript

4: Splunk Loggers & Dashboard 

  • Analyzed Modules and introduced Splunk Logging code in existing Payment Services

  • Designed Splunk Dashboard by using the logged information from the payment services 

  • Implemented Splunk Logging codes by adjusting and altering existing QPP code

  • Tested from Developer’s end and Debugged new errors when occured

5: Maintenance & Techniques

  • Involved in regular maintenance, testing and support of existing Client Organisation’s services

  • Followed Agile Methodologies and Scrum Techniques

Android Developer/ Personal Projects

6: ECommerce Apps  

  • Built a Native Android app for Ordering Pencil Sketches by Uploading photos using JAVA and Firebase

  • Implemented OTP  validation and forget password using Firebase API

  • Stored User Data and Delivery Details, online using Firebase NoSql and Cloud Storage

  • Displayed images using Picasso Library, View Adapter, GirdView, Relative and Constraint Layout

  • Built Admin app to maintain the orders and registered users 

7: Weather App 

  • Built a Native Android app for gathering current Weather Report using Kotlin and OpenWeather API

  • Designed a modern app UI using Relative and Constraint Layout

  • Collected the JSON data provided by the API using Kotlin Https Handlers

  • Implemented Shake and Transition animations between pages using Android Animations

8: Wallpaper Apps

  • Built 3 Freemium Native Android apps for Displaying and downloading wallpapers 

  • Handled web images using Picasso library and displayed it using RecyclerView adapter and Grid View

  • Implemented mobile Ads using Google Ads and Unity Ads APIs

  • Implemented Transition animation between pages using Android Animations

9: Jotter Lite & Pro

  • Built 2 Freemium Native Android apps for making notes and converting it into text file with using JAVA file reader and writer methods

  • Designed Read, Edit and View all modes using Constraint Layout and implemented toggle for Dark mode and Light mode using Shared Preference and XML

  • Implemented mobile Ads using Google Ads and Unity Ads APIs

  • Implemented Transition animation between pages using Android Animations

10: ToDo List App

  • Building a Cross-Platform ToDo List app using Flutter and Dart which supports Android, IOS and Linux

  • Storing lists and categories data locally, using SQFlite

  • Implementing Transition animation between pages using Android Animations

© 2020 by PRAVEEN S.

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